Case Study
Evans Food Group
Successful investment in the food sector
Consumer Products
Acquired: Apr-16 (Exited: Aug-19)
Ceo: José Luis Prado

Evans Food Group Recap

Joe Lawler (Wind Point Managing Director), José Luis Prado (Former CEO of Evans and Wind Point Executive Advisor Partner), and Rick Lenny (Wind Point EAP and Former Evans Board Member) discuss Wind Point’s successful investment in Evans Food Group.

Evans is a company in the food sector that was acquired by Wind Point in 2016 and exited in 2019.

Note: Executive Advisor Partners (EAPs) are not employees of Wind Point Partners, they are third party consultants utilized by Wind Point on a periodic basis. EAPs may receive direct compensation from a portfolio company under terms agreed to by the portfolio company and the EAP and this compensation will not offset management fees. Any compensation received by EAPs at the portfolio company level will be indirectly borne by the Fund by virtue of the Fund’s investment in a portfolio company.